what we value


The leadership of Jesus Christ

As a family of church leaders across the USA and abroad, we recognize and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the head, foundation, and cornerstone of His Church (Eph 1:22-23). This relieves each of us as ministers from ever having to take His place or lord our authority over His sheep.

We choose to walk in humility and servant leadership as those who have been entrusted with a sacred calling to present every man mature before Christ (Col 1:28-29). We are committed to preaching and teaching the lordship and pre-eminence of Jesus Christ in all things (Col 1:15-19).

We choose to build the local church, marriage, and family on the revelation of who Jesus is and not on personality, gifting, charisma, or a certain denomination (Matthew 16). We make our boast in Christ and deeply desire to give Him His full inheritance in every city, region, state, and nation in the earth (Psalm 2).

Building and establishing our own ministries and churches is not our priority. We simply long to make Jesus famous in the earth.


As a family of church leaders across the USA and abroad, we believe that our primary ministry is found within our own home and marriage (Ephesians 5). Rather than using worldly metrics to determine church success such as how many people, services, campuses, or money we have, we choose to define success by how well we are stewarding the marriage and family God has given us. We understand that this focus and emphasis requires sacrifice, accountability, and healthy community.

Loving God and loving our spouses and family well is our highest priority in the ministry (Mark 12:28-31). It is out of our connection with God and our family that we are then empowered to minister to those that God has called us to care for in the local church and abroad. We value character and integrity over gifting and worldly metrics. Due to our convictions regarding healthy marriage and family, we understand that this church leadership network might not be for everyone and we accept that.

Operating in grace and mercy, we desire to provide healthy accountability and community for church leaders who are on the front lines and often times subjected to spiritual warfare and attack. Together, we can seek the heart of Jesus for our marriages and families and walk in health and wholeness (1 Thess 5:23).

Five Fold Ministry

As a family of church leaders across the USA and abroad, we believe the Scriptures teach that Jesus has given His body five ministries for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry etc. They are apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists (Eph 4). While we acknowledge the ministry of pastors in the local church, we also believe that there are four other ministries that should be functioning together to see Jesus Christ receive His full inheritance among the saints.

Rather than embracing a “one man model” of ministry, we believe in team ministry which is clearly taught and modeled in the New Testament Church. While the outworking and practical application of team ministry may vary from church to church, this church leadership network is committed to facilitating the restoration of five fold ministry in the body of Christ. We believing that working together as a team does not minimize our calling but rather maximizes our ability of function in our calling.

Operating as a team of ministers provides the kind of health and accountability that is desperately needed in the church today. We continue to witness the downfall of many men and their ministries because we have chosen to build churches that resemble CEO corporations rather than the true New Testament Church. In the words of Theologian Wayne Grudem, “No passage in the New Testament suggests that any church, no matter how small, had only one senior leader. The consistent New Testament pattern is a plurality of elders “in every church” (Acts 14:23) and “in every town” (Titus 1:5). We do not see a diversity of forms of government in the New Testament church, but a unified and consistent pattern in which every church had elders governing it and keeping watch over it.” (Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:17; 1 Peter 5:2-3)