My heart is soaring with expectation today as we honor Yom Kippur on the Jewish Calendar and move into a season of purification and heart preparation. Our second national Altar Conference begins tomorrow in Dawsonville, GA at Christ Fellowship Church where they have water baptized over 20,000 individuals and seen thousands of confirmed miracles. Our entire Altar Global staff and Altar School of Ministry leave from Charlotte today to serve at what we believe will be a historic time in Georgia together this weekend.

Over 30 states are represented in the conference registration and many are still getting their tickets last minute from around the nation. If you would like to join us for a session, day, or the entire event, click here now.

If you cannot make it in person, you can join us on the livestream for all 7 sessions. Please make sure to subscribe now to our YouTube channel so you do not miss out on any of the action. My good friends Daniel Kolenda, Corey Russell, Brian Guerin, Billy Humphrey, Torrey Harper, and Allen Hood will all be with us for such a time as this. Laura Hackett Park from IHOPKC and our very own Altar Global Worship Team will be leading us into the throne room.

With the right people, at the right time on the calendar, in the right atmosphere of true revival- there is just no telling what God is about to do. Truly no hype is necessary. While darkness and fear continue to cripple the nations, there has never been a greater need for burning and shining lamps to emerge to prepare the way of the Lord. Friends of the Bridegroom are being called forth in every sphere of society.  Jesus Christ is our blessed Hope, salvation, and true source of joy in this hour. Before He comes FOR the Church, He indeed is coming TO the Church. Hallelujah!

I highly encourage you to set time aside this Yom Kippur weekend to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. John the Baptist made it his joy to stand and hear what the Bridegroom was speaking to his generation. Whether it’s in person or online, I believe you will be deeply enriched, challenged, and refreshed.

If God is leading you to sow into this Yom Kippur weekend conference, you can give here now.

It would be greatly appreciated!

Marked for Eternity,


Our mission according to Revelation 22:17 is to help prepare the Bride of Christ for the return of our glorious Bridegroom King Jesus. We have been instructed to prepare an Altar for the Wedding day.